Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yoga For You

Patients with chronic illnesses are finding that yoga provides some relief from their symptoms, according to a report in the New York Times. Whether it is AIDS, cancer, osteoporosis, or Crohn's disease, patients suffering from these chronic disorders find that there are specific yoga exercises that help them cope with their symptoms.
While doctors may recomend yoga classes for general stress reduction, many patients are finding that yoga helps lessen their symptoms and the side effects of their medications. Often patients are in classes with others having similar conditions, so that an element of social support is also present.
Although not a cure for these diseases, studies have found that yoga does have significant impact upon the experience of the maladies. It can reduce fatigue in those with multiple sclerosis, lower anxiety in patients with cancer, heart disease or hypertension, and improve sleep in patients with chronic insomnia.